
Just to start

I have decided to join the girls in the "picture a day" challenge. Unfortunately my camera decided to die on me today, so I was unable to take any pics. Intead, I leave you with this; my all time favourite picture from my trip to Italy this summer. There was a serious thunder storm keeping us up all night long, so we decided to open the door to our balcony and watch. As soon as I did that, the clouds parted and the sun started to rise. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.


Carol-Ann said...


M.R. said...

so so beautiful!
Welcome to the group Nadia

Lorelei said...

Welcome to the group and that is a beautiful picture!

Robyn said...

very prettty!!


Pam said...

Stunning picture. Sorry to hear your camera is broken :(

Theresa T said...


I always love those moments when you manage to get those Wow moments and this is one of them.