
beam me up biscotti!

My mother and I baked some tasty cranberry pistachio biscotti today, and MAN are they good! I figured since this week's theme is "food" that I would snap a few pics of our fabulous cookies.
I got really up close and personal with the cranberries *drools* and now my mother thinks I'm insane *thumbs up* because I am snapping pictures of dried fruit and raw dough. aaaah well!
Oh and if someone can give me pointers on how to take macro shots WITH a flash but WITHOUT a shadow, that would really help a sister out! you can see it in the first cranberry shot.
Here they are!


Jenn M said...

mmmm they look delicious nadia

Sondra said...

They look fantabulous.

I never use flash with macro, so I'm no help.

Carol-Ann said...

they look sooo yummy!

Lorelei said...

Mmm... I want some!

Theresa T said...

Yummmm....more christmas baking.

As for the flash, I vary between not using it and altering where I am standing when I take the photo. This way there seem to be some with shadows and than some without so I have some to choose from.